Where Unity Is Strength

Research: What does faith mean to your charity?

July 1st, 2016 | Posted by Singh in Current Issues

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Did you know that there are over 49,000 faith-based charities in Great Britain—27% of the whole charity sector.

As such a large part of the sector, and with a combined income of over £16 billion, research into faith-based charities has never been more relevant.

We need to better understand faith-based charities if we want a vibrant and thriving voluntary sector. NPC’s research programme—A Question of Faith—explores how faith affects how charities operate, as well as the benefits and challenges of being a faith-based charity.

NPC’s work has found over 360 Sikh charities in Great Britain and they want to hear about the role faith plays in your charity. Your thoughts will be crucial in developing a better understanding about the contribution Sikh charities make to our society.

The NPC have informed us that they have undertaken research on 362 Sikh charities in Great Britain and discovered that they receive a combined income of £61million.

If you would like to help with this research please get in touch with Rachel at Rachel.Wharton@thinkNPC.org.

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