Where Unity Is Strength

NSO Requests Holocaust Memorial Day includes Sikh and Tamil Genocides

December 8th, 2013 | Posted by admin in Press Releases

London: (07thof Dec 2013) The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO) has written to the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) suggesting the inclusion of both the Sikh (1984) and Tamil (2009) genocides, on Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) on the 27th of January 2014.

In an unprecedented move the NSO wrote:

‘The list of major atrocities following the Holocaust against the Jewish people is rather selective Notable omissions are the organised mass killing of more than 100,000 Sikhs throughout India in 1984 and the more recent killing of more than 40,000 Tamils by government forces in Sri Lanka.

It’s important that we are seen to be even-handed in reminding ourselves that even those with whom we have trade and political links can carry genocide out anywhere.

The 27th of January marks the liberation of the largest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau. The millions of people killed by the Nazi’s and the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur will be remembered, whilst survivors of these hate filled regimes honored.

The NSO earnestly hopes the list will be amended in future years, adding both Sikh and Tamil genocides.

Hardeep Singh
Press Secretary
The Network of Sikh Organisations

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